Innovation at the core.

A small blood test.
A big impact.

The OncoDiscover® CTC Test is India's first indigenously developed, patented in-vitro diagnostic test to get DCG(I) approval for marketing in India.

This test is a highly specific and sensitive test that can detect, capture and enumerate Circulating Tumor Cells in very low volume of blood. Circulating Tumor Cells are a telltale signature of cancer metastasis.

Which cancers are tested?

The OncoDiscover® CTC Test is designed to detect Carcinomas which are the most prevalent form of cancer in the world. Carcinomas account for nearly 80% of all cancer cases in the world.

  • Head & Neck Cancer

  • Breast Cancer

  • Colorectal Cancer

  • Cervical Cancer

  • Lung Cancer

  • Gastric Cancer

  • Gall Bladder Cancer

  • Prostrate Cancer

  • Ovarian Cancer

  • Liver Cancer

  • Kidney Cancer

  • Bladder Cancer

  • Uterian Cancer

OncoDiscover® CTC Test empowers oncologists to make better treatment decisions for improved outcomes

See what renowned medical oncologist -
Dr Nirmal Raut has to say →

Interpreting the OncoDiscover® CTC Test Report

As cancer cells multiply to form a tumor, they continue to change – becoming more and more different from each other. Hence cancer of one individual is different from that of another, even though the tissue of origin may be same. Circulating Tumor Cells (CTC) number is a personal indicator of a patient's cancer status and must not be used to compare with data of other patients. Circulating Tumor Cells (CTC) are indicative of the real time status of cancer. Based on previous results, it becomes a useful tool to monitor progression. Hence, it is important to do the test on regular intervals to monitor the condition with respect to the initial baseline number.

Circulating Tumor Cells (CTC) are indicative of the real time status of cancer. Based on previous results, it becomes a useful to tool to monitor progression. Hence, it is important to do the test on regular intervals to monitor the condition with respect to the initial baseline number.

Who should get tested?

High Risk Factors

Smoking / Chewing Tobacco, Alcohol, Pollution, Work Hazard, Age, and people with family history of cancer.

Individuals with Cancer Symptoms

Unusual bleeding, Change in bowel habits, Unusual lumps, Nagging cough

Individuals taking Cancer Treatment

Chemotherapy, Radiation, Surgery, Hormone Therapy.

Individuals Post Cancer Treatment

Chances of cancer relapse


License No:
MFG / IVD2019 / 000031

License Name:
MD 9 – License to Manufacture for Sale or for Distribution of Class C or Class D medical device.

Licensing Authority:
Central Drug Standards Control Organisation (CDSCO),
New Delhi, India.

License No:
MFG / IVD2019 / 000004

License Name:
MD 29 – Permission to import or manufacture new in-vitro diagnostic medical device.

Licensing Authority:
Central Drug Standards Control Organisation (CDSCO),
New Delhi, India.




  • The OncoDiscover® Circulating Tumor Cells Test can detect CTCs originating from Epithelial Cancers (Carcinomas). Some major Carcinomas are:
    - Head & Neck,
    - Breast, Lung,
    - Colorectal,
    - Prostate,
    - Cervical,
    - Gall Bladder, etc.

    These constitute more than 70% of all the Cancers of the world.

    However, the OncoDiscover® Circulating Tumor Cells Test does not detect Sarcoma, Melanoma, Lymphoma and Leukemia.

    Please contact us to see if you qualify for this test.

  • Patients diagnosed with epithelial cancers: The OncoDiscover® CTC Test can be used to understand the spread of cancer in patients diagnosed with epithelial cancers.

    Patients undergoing therapy. The OncoDiscover® CTC Test can be used to monitor CTC levels in patients undergoing therapy to understand the effectiveness of the therapy.

    Patients in remission. The OncoDiscover® CTC Test can be used to monitor CC levels in patients to detect cancer relapse at the earliest stage.

    Patients with suspected but undetectable epithelial cancers. In many cases, doctors may suspect a cancer due to symptoms or preliminary testing but may not be able to conclusively diagnose a cancer. The OncoDiscover® CTC Test can be used to detect presence of cancer cells in the blood as conclusive evidence of metastasis

  • The OncoDiscover® CTC Test is a simple and safe blood test. In medical terms, it is an in-vitro diagnostic test, which is essentially a test done on samples such as blood taken from human body.

    The test requires withdrawing a low volume (5ml) of blood from the patient. The blood will be withdrawn by a trained phlebotomist or a nurse.

  • We recommend testing once every 3 months to understand the real-time status of the cancer in your body.

    For patients currently undergoing therapy, the Oncologist will decide on the timepoint and frequency of testing.

  • There are no special preparations required for getting tested. You do not need to fast or avoid any food before the test.

  • There are no special preparations required for getting tested. You do not need to stop any medicine before the blood test.

  • If no cancer cells were detected by the OncoDiscover® CTC Test, it only means that at present cancer cells are not present in your bloodstream. A cancer cell which may be dormant currently may express itself later. It is essential to continuously monitor the status of cancer.

  • Only an Oncologist is qualified to decide on the course of action based on the test results. We shall not offer any advice or consultation on cancer therapy.

  • This test is a real time test of cancer status in the body. This test does not determine the future status of cancer.